Before I come back to figure reviews and other related nerd goods, I thought I would put up something different with pics from my Vacation. We hit up a cool shopping district in Manitoba called the Grand Forks.
It had different wings of shopping, grocery, food courts and custom boutiques.
Yes, even at 8 AM, the pasta bar is always open.
A pretty creative way of displaying organic fruits and vegetables. It stretched all the way down the wing
Best aisle - the candy aisle with different candy shops. We got a few things here.
This was a pretty great wine shop, with wines and spirits from around the world. Onto some cool items!
I loved these: the glass artist above made glass ships in their own glass bottles. They were pricey as would be expected from handmade glass, but beautiful.
A cool little shop had figures curiosity items. They had some fantastic things, but it was very pricey.
The tiny guitar models were pretty nice and came with their own cases.
These puzzles were really nice, I even considered getting one, but no structure appeals enough to me to justify the price, still neat though.
And finally a little maple syrup to finish the post. More figure reviews coming in October, and more variety in future posts!