Saturday, October 13, 2012

Figuarts Zero: Caymy and Sanji

It's time for another set of One Piece Figuarts Zero figures.  I was really happy to get these in the mail.  I still have a few other to go over as well, but I really wanted to start off with the ditzy but lovable duo of Caymy and Pappagu.  And once again expanding my female figures for once!  Only she is a mermaid...still counts.

The box is small, (only a little larger than chopper's box) so, where ever one may order her from, the shipping won't break the bank. Plus she has a light pastel theme that matches her spirit.  It's a very appealing box. 
She is very static, with no other options.  The "gimmick" to this one is the removable sunglasses on Pappagu.
Again, everything is very standard as far as the Figuarts Zero line.  Except her base doesn't have a logo, which is odd considering they could've used their clothing line logo on there.  It's minor and not necessary, but it would've been nice.
Caymy has large pegs on her base, and Pappagu comes with a clear base that you can use to steady him onto the second base peg.  Pappagu can squeeze in under her hands on the base and remain sturdy, so you don't really need it.  It is terribly unsightly and was tossed aside instantly after this photo.
 Caymy's body and pose has a lot of twists and turns to it, so it looks lovely from any direction.
 Pappagu is really adorable in his shades, he is such a little rockstar.
 I'm personally really drawn to the sculpt on her fins and scales.  They shimmer and bend in a beautiful way.
Her expression is really sweet, the hair is spot on, and not to mention, her torso is super pleasing to the eye.  If anything, the nose does look a little odd, like it's on the larger side.  It's not a bother to me, but some people have mentioned that it ruined her face for them.  Still adorable to me.  Plus if you balance her right, she doesn't even need her base, just Pappagu.
 Wait who that in the back? 
I picked up new world Sanji on his re-ralease, and he is perfect with Caymy.  I wasn't going to do a review of him, considering how many of them are out there, but since I have him here I may as well:
Sanji is FAN-TASTIC if you are the kind of collector who loves guys in nice suits.  And this one has an amazing design and paint job.  Great buttons, shiny shoes, and a nice tight pose make him a Sanji worth picking up. For anyone who is not into suited gentleman, he may seem a little bit disappointing. I love suits.
 In conclusion, she is a really nice rendition of her character, as is Pappagu and even Sanji over here.  I was lucky enough to wait out until she hit sale price on amiami for only 1000 yen.  Not bad considering her original price was over 2000.  She is small, and he face can look odd at certain angles, so I suggest taking a look at other peoples pictures before making your purchase.  If she looks good to your eye, then she will make a wonderful little addition to your collection.  I don't need to say much about Sanji, by this point you have him or you don't.  He is a nice design though, and the heart parts are pretty fun to have with him.

Nerd away~

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