Sunday, December 1, 2013

Figuarts Zero: Smoker and Figuarts Zero: Law (Punk Hazard)

I'm still on a wild One Piece kick (as always).  I know, I know, it's a lot of One Piece lately despite getting new cards, new games, new books and other goods, but I can't help it right now (sorry!)  

I wanted to do a quick little review of a couple of figures I picked up that go along very well with the recent episodes involving Punk Hazard: timeskip Smoker and timeskip Law!

First of all, the lighting I had sucked (stormy weather) I'm hoping my next set of photos will turn out better.  As always I start out with the Figuarts Zero boxes, which look good! Typical and not really too interesting, but keeping everything in place and letting you know about the figure inside.  I really need to get Tashigi and Ceasar Clown at some point....
Figure time! Man these guys look good straight out of the box, and pretty nice next to each other.  These two really made the arc for me, so I had to include them in my collection.
Standard bases, Marine for Smoker and Jolly Roger of the heart pirates for Law.  I gotta say, I dig that the feet are positioned just around the logos so you can still enjoy them when viewing.
Smoker has an amazing sculpt, and his vice admiral duds are were addressed in this figure.  My only concern is a few spots on the paintwork involving his green fringe, it tends to bleed onto the white parts of his coat.  It's not bad, but noteworthy.
I really like Oda giving him sunglasses, and the inclusion of them for this figure.  It can be difficult to see Smoker's face with his arm coming across.  There is a second arm to address this that look pretty good resting on his sleeve.
We can't forget about Law though, as he looks really nice in this pose.  It is a rather simple standing pose which may put people off, but that knowing smirk is what really draws myself to it anyway.  I don't know why they missed the chance to give him an alternate arm including either his 'room' or 'tact' hand pose (other than they knew a battle version coming out).  I really don't have any complaints about Law here, everything has a nice paint job and even the texture of his coat is included.
The only extra part they threw in was Law with his hat off.  I guess was used as a big draw for him considering this was the first Law figure to not include his hat.  It looks good, but I much prefer his hat as it feels like a part of his character.
So there they are! There is little to say about these guys since they are overall just very appealing! To anyone who is a fan of either of these One piece guys, I say get them!  Most figure shops still have these guys in stock.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

30 Day One Piece Challenge

30 Day One Piece Challenge:

This is just for fun since anyone who reads this blog knows I enjoy One Piece, so here we go:

 • Day 1: Favorite Mugiwara pirate: Luffy

• Day 2: Favourite flashback scene: Toms Workers Flashback

• Day 3: Favourite villain/ess: Sir Crocodile

• Day 4: Favourite arc and why: Marineford Arc

• Day 5: Favourite island: Fishman Island

• Day 6: Favourite female character: Nami

• Day 7: Favourite male character: Zoro

• Day 8: Most moving/inspirational/emotional scene: Luffy losing everyone at Sabaody Archipelago

• Day 9: Favourite new character (of wherever you’re currently up to): Bartolomeo

• Day 10: Worst arc and why: The Oceans Dream Arc: it's the most clip show of the filler arcs...

• Day 11: Favourite pirate flag: Baroque Works flag
• Day 12: Favourite running joke or gag: Lost Zoro / Sanji Zoro spats

• Day 13: Favourite Supernova: X Drake

• Day 14: Favourite character interactions: The Strawhats always crack me up

• Day 15: Favourite Marine: Smoker

• Day 16: Most hated character and why: The Celestial Dragons: they BUY people; it's so wrong

• Day 17: Favourite Shichibukai: Doflamingo

• Day 17: Most epic/exciting scene: Luffy punching a Celestial Dragon (so epic)

• Day 18: Favorite Pirate that isn’t a Mugiwara: Shanks

• Day 19: Favorite Cipher Pol member: Kaku

• Day 20: Favourite fight scene: Law vs. Smoker

• Day 21: Favourite Luffy fight: That one on one fight with Magellan

• Day 22: Favourite race and/or creature: Specifically, Shirahoshi the Mermaid and Megalo the Shark

• Day 23: Island or place you’d most like to visit and why: Water 7 via the Puffin Tom: it just seems so lively with the people, food, festivals, and shopping~

• Day 24: Cutest/Sexiest female character:  It's Cutest/Sexiest when Boa protects Luffy

• Day 25: Cutest/Sexiest male character: It's Cutest/Sexiest when Paulie blushes

• Day 26: Favourite Filler and Movie: G8 Arc and Strong World

• Day 27: Favourite thing about the One Piece universe: Everyone in it~

• Day 28: What got you in to One Piece?: Read the first chapter in the English version Shonen Jump way back when, and I've been enjoying the adventure ever since <3

• Day 29: Favourite song or theme music:  Brook playing Bink's Sake

• Day 30: Funniest moment: TOO MANY sooo.....