Monday, January 23, 2012

Animal Crossing Figure?

Yes.  I can't resist a video game figure, especially when one is being sold on the cheap.  I like hunting around for sale figures, and an ebay auction caught my eye again. 2.00 for an animal crossing trading box.

I actually never played animal crossing (only a little at a friends house) and the game play didn't interest me.  I do however enjoy the little animal designs. So I put in a minimum bid and forgot it existed. Suddenly I won and my little guy made it here fast. So what exactly did I bid on?

So a much larger box than I expected came in (it's still trading figure size).  Also, it seems I have a part of a whole small world, rather than a single character.  I have to admit, the back that shows the completed glode is really cute.  It goes with the game motif/concept, so kudos! now what is inside:

Suddenly kit! and an adorable wolf girl. So I do have to build my little part of the world...interesting.  As a concept I like this a lot, but in practice I'm wary of how well this will work. I do like the tiny stand they include so you can display JUST the character, but considering the whole set, that would feel like a waste. So time to build:

So here are the individual parts coming together.  At least I could use the tiny stand to get some easy shots.  As far as parts go, they fit pretty well.  As far as the stickers.....they do not.  They also have that terrible problem of peeling up after being placed.  They also don't line up well, which made placing them difficult in the first place. This might be from parts being so small, but I've still seen better sticker for figures, specifically from Bandai on my gundam I did a few posts before. The real joy has to be in assembling the corner of the world, so here's how it came out.

So here is the completed piece.  Altogether it's not bad at all.  A fun little put together that suffers from being a small part of a whole concept.  From the front and top views it's a sweet little scene.  The ability to make it your own with the extra stickers was smart on the part of the designers. 

The real problem is the side view.  It shows off the seams of the build, and has the awkward leeeeaaan that a rounded base tends to give. I'm still not fond of the stickers peeling either.  I'm ok with the connections to the other globe parts because they don't scream "we are lock in joints" but they will always be there if you don't complete the globe.  So link is back for size comparison, and this completed corner is approx. 2 inches tall.

I like my little wolf and have decided she can live on a shelf by my art supplies. Specifically because I can only view her from the front that way. Her face is well painted and the parts are adorable, so it's a shame it has problems.  I would not get another one of these kits, even at the wonderful price (thanks again to a great seller).  I'm content with her, and have no ambitions to complete a globe. 

I'd rather complete a more difficult kit in the future, so again nerd away~

1 comment:

  1. I love your posting and the images. Its cool and I really love any post related Animal Crossing. I just order this game from PIJ. Its really awesome And I am excited to get this one soon.
