Monday, August 13, 2012

Figuarts Zero: Smoker and Tashigi

I promised a smoker shoot for summer, and while it's late, here I have one of the cooler marines from One Piece with a bonus! I caved and got a Tashigi to go with him.  So is the duo worth it for the One Piece figure fan? Here are box shots so you know what to look for:
I don't understand the brick pattern, but it's clean and follows the typical figuarts box motif. Smoker First:
Smoker's action pose is the reason I bought this figure.  I freaken love this effect, it's well molded and looks fantastic in the light.  I'm already of the opinion that these figures are well designed, sculpted and painted.  Smoker lives up to my expectations.  His weapon pose is also quite nice, and intimidating.
Just a base and perspective shot to finish up Smoker.
But Wait! There is more, I couldn't help finally picking up a new girl, the adorable and intelligent sword expert Tashigi:
Her Normal pose is pretty cute, I love how she is holding up her glasses and the details on the sword.  the twist in her body makes it interesting without looking awkward.
While her clothes and her Katana look amazing from all angles, the glasses can look odd in some shots.  like making her forehead look huge, or seeming too low on her face. It all depends on how you display her I guess.
And with their powers combined:
Sadly, unlike Coby and Helmeppo, they cannot be placed on the same base, despite looking really good together.
 Maaaaan Tashigi, Smoker is Judging you.
Ultimately this is how they are displayed right now, until I unpack the rest of my collection. I'm very very pleased with these two.  They are a fantastic pair of figures for anyone who is a fan of these characters.  Especially since they are on sale on most sites right now (like amiami, where I got these two.)  So if you need to buff up the marine side of your figuarts zero one piece figures I suggest Smoker and Tashigi~

1 comment:

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