Monday, November 28, 2011

Big Ol' Cat Face

I really can't help myself when it comes to monster hunter cats.  Why do they keep making such adorable figures of them?  I Confess, I never played a Monster Hunter Game ._.  I LOVE the monster designs, and the concept does seem like something I would be into, but I have two fears.  One would be I would hate the game, and two would be I would like it too much and lose even more time.  So I stay in a safe zone of the figures they bring, one of which I may get more of in the future.  So here are some shots of my Monster Hunter X  Touma Airou trading figure:
My random box got me a yellow chef! Adorable.  The boxes have a nice layout but some of the pictures are fuzzy.  But anyway, it doesn't matter! I got me a chef, and man is he cool, I totally want to spring for another one of these.  They aren't hard to find, and most anime figure shops online have them for nine to twelve dollars. 

These guys come in parts and need assembly.  It's straightforward since each part can only fit into one hole and they don't have any points of articulation.  Naked Airou is sporting some nice painted designs if you prefer that, and his sculpt is nice and balanced.  It better be too, since the head is solid.  Their design using the tail as a tripod puts some people off, but I find it very clever. The Paint is REALLY good on this one as well.

The clothing literally slips on when the arms and head aren't attached.  It's quite easy to do, and it allows you to mix and match the outfit.  (the green sash fits on other figures too which is cute)  Honestly with so many little complete parts it looks best all put together, especially my favorite part: that big paw hat.
Chef Airou is really fun to mess around with.  If you dig this design and want a nice solid 3 to 4 inch figure I say take a chance with one of these random boxes. If I end up getting another one soon I'll be sure to post the pics!

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